The North Texas Fair & Rodeo ( kicked off Friday, August 16th. As one of our recently launched websites, we wanted to see what this event was all about and what support we could offer as they tried something new, SaffireScan (print-at-home tickets that are scanned at the gate with our App on any … Continue reading “Our Adventures to the North Texas Fair & Rodeo”
The North Texas Fair & Rodeo ( kicked off Friday, August 16th. As one of our recently launched websites, we wanted to see what this event was all about and what support we could offer as they tried something new, SaffireScan (print-at-home tickets that are scanned at the gate with our App on any Apple Mobile Device)!
Kendra and Kirk showed up prior to the gates opening and were impressed to see the number of tickets sold online and printed at home, but were mostly blown away by the amount of traffic throughout the fairgrounds once the gates opened. Turns out opening night had a record breaking revenue for the fair! Below are Nanci Kimmey of the NTFair with Kendra along with an action shot of SaffireScan.

Jessica and Brandi from the team also came up, and the whole group got to meet the Josh Abbott Band and see their stellar performance!

The second day of opening weekend kicked off with the annual parade. Jessica and Brandi got front row seats as the parade route circled the town square. Drill teams, antique tractors, miniature ponies, and even Z-Donks (pictured – a breed of Zebra and Donkey) were featured in this local tradition; how crazy?!

The whole afternoon and evening Saturday were spent on the fairgrounds, eating the foods, talking with the people of Denton, watching the PRCA Rodeo from the Catwalk, and hanging out backstage at the Jack Ingram Concert! What a trip! Check out all of our photos from our trip on our Facebook page!