Chrome Extensions to Simplify your Life!

Less than 10 years ago, Google introduced Chrome, which has slowly nudged out its competition to become the most used browser on the web – worldwide. Part of its charm is that it gives us the ability to add extensions to our browsing experience. Extensions are little apps which can connect websites and interact with web … Continue reading “Chrome Extensions to Simplify your Life!”


Less than 10 years ago, Google introduced Chrome, which has slowly nudged out its competition to become the most used browser on the web – worldwide. Part of its charm is that it gives us the ability to add extensions to our browsing experience. Extensions are little apps which can connect websites and interact with web pages. They’re like robots waiting to help gather information, speed things along, transform documents & images, and even provide coaching for the information we create or view on the web.

If you haven’t explored the world of extensions, I recommend you hop over to the Google Chrome Web Store and take a look around. There’s all kinds of helpers available. So many that it can be overwhelming. The Saffire staff has made a list of recommended extensions that you might find useful (in no particular order).

Clear cache – Clear your cache and browsing data with a single click of a button.

Google Page Analytics – Allows you to see how customers interact with your web pages in real time, including what they click and don’t click.

ColorZilla – Advanced Eyedropper, Color Picker, Gradient Generator and other colorful goodies

Check my links – it crawls through your webpage and looks for broken links.

Edit This Cookie – You can add, delete, edit, search, protect and block cookies on a site-by-site basis.

What font? – it can identify fonts used on a web page

Measure It – Draw out a ruler to get the pixel width and height of any elements on a webpage.

Image Size Info – Inserts option in the browser’s image context menu to view image width, height and file size.

Window Resizer – resize browser window to emulate various screen resolutions

Grammarly – As you type on nearly any website – Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, etc. – it underlines spelling mistakes and grammatical errors and helps you fix them on the fly. It helps you become a better writer.

Nimbus Screenshot / Awesome screenshot – Both of these extensions do essentially the same thing and they do it well: Capture and annotate screenshots and local pictures

Notes for Google Drive – Easily create notes from within Chrome that are automatically synced as Documents to your Google Drive account.

Convert HTML to PDF – if you have Adobe Acrobat installed on your computer this extension will convert an entire web page into a PDF file that preserves the layout, formatting and links of captured pages.  (Windows only)

Evernote web clipper – Clip the web pages you want to keep. Save them in Evernote. Easily find them on any device.

Forecast Plus – Provides local and long-range weather forecast

Expensify Web Receipts – If you use Expensify, this will upload the current webpage as a receipt to your Expensify account. It makes business expense reimbursement easier and faster!

Honey – Simply: it tells you when you can save money. Cool! Click on the Honey button during checkout and Honey will automatically apply coupon codes to your shopping cart. Click on the Honey button on a supported online store and instantly see all the coupons and sales available for the store.

Amazon Assistant – shows Amazon pricing on products while looking through Google or other shopping sites. It gives you access to the Deal of the Day, Product Comparisons, Universal Wish List, and shortcuts to popular Amazon destinations right in your browser.

Turn off the lights – Use this with your favorite video site. With a single click on the lamp button, the page will fade to dark. And automatically focus on the video. By clicking on it again, the page will return to normal.

Hover zoom – point the mouse on web images to view them full size. Great for scanning image galleries.

Home New Tab Page – No need to stick with the default new tab that Chrome designed. Create your own, with notifications, badges, recently closed tabs, quick notes, calendar and more.

We don’t officially endorse or provide support for any of these extensions – nor can we be held liable if one of them turns into a gremlin and devours your computer. Just like adding apps to your phone, you need to stay ‘cyber safe’. Check out the reviews for anything you download to your computer and stay away from anything that sounds or looks a little ‘phishy’.


This article was written with love by:


Phil      Phil Thompson, Client Experience Manager, Saffire






The Power of Website Imagery!

In today’s tech savvy world, it’s no surprise that every organization needs to have a presence online. An engaging and visually appealing website will generate better customer traffic and create new business opportunities. As humans, our brains recognize images long before we start to read text. When it comes to designing successful websites it’s important … Continue reading “The Power of Website Imagery!”

In today’s tech savvy world, it’s no surprise that every organization needs to have a presence online. An engaging and visually appealing website will generate better customer traffic and create new business opportunities. As humans, our brains recognize images long before we start to read text. When it comes to designing successful websites it’s important to embed high quality images that will resonate with your viewers and showcase your brand. If the images on your site are of lower quality, people visiting your page many times consider your content as less credible and will leave your page if they are not engaged with your imagery and content.

In Saffire’s many years of designing websites, we have found that the best sites are the ones that utilize the power of simplicity, usually through photos.  Don’t let visual clutter disrupt the flow of your page. Select only the best photos to be displayed. Photos on a website are much like the saying, “It’s better to have four quarters than one hundred pennies”; keep your pages simple, engaging and beautiful.

There are four main elements to consider when it comes to good photography: Image Quality, Effectiveness, Message, User Response. 


Image Quality

A good photograph is a large photograph and will have colors that set the tone of the image, have lots of lighting, and a unique style to set the image’s mood.

Poor Quality Photo (2)



The nature of good photography is shown through its composition. It can often be very subjective, but good composition turns ordinary scenes into eye-catching images.

Poor Quality Photo (3)



The message behind good photography is the story you want to tell. When a photo’s intention or meaning is clearly presented, the image becomes much more appealing.

Poor Quality Photo (4)


User Response

Imagery helps you communicate thousands of words in seconds.  A good photo can potentially communicate all you want to say about your brand and encourage purchases. A recent survey by NewsCred states, “93% of people say that visual imagery is the #1 factor impacting purchasing decisions”.

Poor Quality Photo (6)

The tricky part about good photography is accessing it. Sometimes you do not have the budget to pay for outrageously priced professional photos, but still want the impact of good photography. Don’t fret, there are MANY FREE, high-quality images you can start using on your site today.

Examples of where to source your free and unlicensed images:

In short, when intriguing copy, dynamic design and great photography work together;  your event, venue or destination instantly becomes more credible. The visual sense dominates when it comes to purchasing. You cannot afford to have poor quality photos on your website.


What’s Your Social Story?

Snapchat! Facebook! Instagram! Other than all being social platforms what do they have in common? “Stories!” Snapchat created the original Stories feature where users could upload snippets of their life and offered fun photo filters that would change your face, voice or background. In the past nine months, both Instagram and Facebook have released their … Continue reading “What’s Your Social Story?”

Snapchat! Facebook! Instagram! Other than all being social platforms what do they have in common? “Stories!” Snapchat created the original Stories feature where users could upload snippets of their life and offered fun photo filters that would change your face, voice or background. In the past nine months, both Instagram and Facebook have released their own Stories feature and it looks almost identical to Snapchat’s version.

Where should you tell your Story?

So now that the three big social media platforms have the same feature, which one should you use to tell your Story? Well first off, Facebook is seeing incredibly slow growth in utilization of the Story feature. Additionally, Facebook isn’t allowing Facebook Pages to create a Story yet, as this is currently only for individual profiles. We imagine this will be rolled out to Pages and advertisers sometime over the next year.

The advantage of Instagram Stories is that if you already have a maintained Instagram profile, you do not need to acquire new followers like with Snapchat – you have instant reach because of your existing followers. Additionally, Instagram Stories has surpassed Snapchat with the most daily users, with 50 million users using Stories!

Not surprisingly, there has been a significant decline in Snapchat usage and downloads since the launch of Instagram Stories. The functionality is just too similar. However, Snapchat has captured a much younger audience than Instagram, which is heavily used by Millennials that are starting to move into their thirties. Snapchat is still the perfect platform to capture this younger audience.

One of the great things about Stories is that you can save the video to your device from any of the three platforms, so there really is no reason to choose just one! Get out and make some great content and post it to Snapchat, save it and then upload it to Instagram Stories and finally head over to Facebook and upload your video to your Page’s timeline! Someday you should be able to upload directly to Facebook stories, but in the meantime, newsfeed videos are still very attention grabbing and successful.

As you know, video content is king, so get out that phone and start creating content!









Seven Tips to up your Ratings Online!

The internet can just be a cruel place sometimes. It doesn’t take long for people to realize that they need to sensor what they post on their personal social media accounts and work hard on their personal reputation. What is surprising is that some marketing and PR teams are not as concerned about what is … Continue reading “Seven Tips to up your Ratings Online!”

The internet can just be a cruel place sometimes. It doesn’t take long for people to realize that they need to sensor what they post on their personal social media accounts and work hard on their personal reputation. What is surprising is that some marketing and PR teams are not as concerned about what is being posted about the organizations that they represent. With every incident being recorded and shared across social media, a brand’s reputation can be tarnished very quickly. Just ask United Airlines! You should always have a PR plan in place to deal with whatever might be thrown your way. In today’s digital world where photos, social media and news stories are everlasting, upholding your reputation online is more important than ever. Remember that without a positive reputation, no brand can truly flourish.

How exactly does a consumer judge your reputation?

Think about when you plan a trip out of town, or even pick a new event to attend, do you make the decision yourself? Most of us talk these ideas overwith friends and family. If they respond positively you are more likely to pull the trigger and buy your tickets or book your travel! If they don’t, you will seek out another option, many times a competitor of yours. This thought process is how people are determining your online reputation. They are looking for recommendations, online reviews, ratings and feedback. The opinions of people that are not associated with your brand have a much greater impact on your future customers than your branded marketing efforts.

According to a 2015 Connected Consumer Survey, nearly 80% of people report that the internet is the first place they look when they need information, and over 50% are using search engines to look up brands. While you would prefer to control what potential customers see about your brand online, search engines allow them to access a variety of other information that you don’t control including reviews, non-branded social media posts, consumer photos and more.

Do you know where you are being rated?

Some review sites require you to create a business page with them while others are created by the people leaving the reviews. The top 3 review sites that you should be on is,, and google+. Make sure to create a page for your business so that you can monitor your online presence as well as post photos, hours, website links, and more. Receiving positive reviews can not only get you free advertising on these platforms, but it also gives credibility to your brand.

  • Promote the good and fix the bad. Capitalize on the positive reviews and use the negative ones to improve upon what you’re doing. Constructive criticism is not always easy to receive, but these reviews are a direct reflection of how people see you. Take negative reviews as a wakeup call and appreciate how it may be enabling you to improve.
  • Make sure all your positive reviews are seen. Yelp uses an algorithm to hide reviews that appear fake. Unfortunately, many real reviews get stuck in this filter. To avoid this, you can ask your reviewers to make their profile seem more legitimate. They could add a profile picture or check into local places near you.
  • Don’t ignore negative reviews. This is going to happen. It is impossible to meet everyone’s wishes. It’s important to acknowledge what wrong doing has been done or to clarify anything that may not be correct. Approach these reviews in a diplomatic fashion. Lastly, invite the reviewers to give you a chance to improve their experience in the future.
  • Fight fire with fire. In some, very rare instances you can respond to negative reviews with humor. We don’t advise that you respond immediately after reading the post, but to wait until you have cooled off and can efficiently add some humor to your review. This will not only show other customers that you are paying attention to their opinions but that you also have a sense of humor. A great example of a brand responding with humor is the video, Visit Lubbock Mean Tweets
  • Keep them coming back for more. Share how you have improved your services based on the customer feedback. Show your customers how your brand welcomes their opinions and encourages repeat visits.
  • Amplify your reach. Get engaging content in front of your audience to help drive traffic and positive reviews. Running a few $5 per day Facebook ads, for example, can allow you to significantly increase your followers and can help improve your rating on Facebook. When someone is a fan, they are usually less likely to leave a negative review. Be sure and post your content on all your social media platforms.
  • Improve your reputation by exceeding expectation offline. Don’t let all the time spent on perfecting your online image go to waste by not performing in person. Insure that your employees are practicing what you preach online.

The secret to keeping up with your online reputation is to stay true to who you are as a brand. Customer service should be your number one concern. Provide an excellent experience from start to finish. Stay engaged with your customers and you will see your rating begin to creep up closer to a 5-star average! Do you have a tactic that you use to increase your rating? Let us know in the comments below!

Contests to Increase Social Engagement!

While contests have been around for centuries, they have recently taken on a new life with the evolution of social media. Contests are not the answer to every marketing challenge, but you should consider making them a part of your social media plans. Whether your event, venue or destination is big or small, contests can … Continue reading “Contests to Increase Social Engagement!”

While contests have been around for centuries, they have recently taken on a new life with the evolution of social media. Contests are not the answer to every marketing challenge, but you should consider making them a part of your social media plans. Whether your event, venue or destination is big or small, contests can help drive engagement at a minimal cost.

Contests aren’t always successful and don’t always magically drive engagement. The most successful contests are usually very simple, while the contests that fail are usually too complicated for the participants to understand and engage.

So, what is the key to keeping your audience engaged? Simplicity! Ease! Fun!

The most effective way to keep your contest simple is setting an easily manageable objective. What results are you shooting for? What do you want to gain from the post? Be sure to think it through logically by following these steps:

  • Set Goals: What are you trying to achieve? For example, do you want to gain more likes, comments, views on your video, or acquire new email addresses?
  • Consider your Audience: Who are you targeting? It is important to hone in on who your demographic is for the post. Are you trying to reach men or women, kids, teenagers or maybe basketball fans? It will be easier to generate your contest once you have narrowed down on who you want your message to reach.
  • Determine the Contest Time Frame: For small contests where your only objective is to receive likes and comments, we suggest that you run daily contests. For a more complex contest that you want to acquire more personal information or a lengthy submission, we advise that you run the contest for a longer period.
  • Create a Prize Package: Everyone wants to win, especially when they can win multiple prizes in one giveaway! The bigger the prize, the more information you can require from participants. Plan a budget on how much the prize will cost your venue, event, or destination.
  • Execute – Plan the Fulfillment: Know how you can deliver the prize and how to execute the entire plan. Do you need to mail the prize to the winner? Do they need to pick it up?
  • Prizes: To have a great contest, you need to provide prizes. Everyone loves to win things. What is it that you can afford to give away? It doesn’t need to be expensive, but it does need to be relevant to your venue, event, or destination. You can work with local partners in giving away hotel stays, restaurant gift certificates, concert tickets, etc.

Here are 5 simple ideas to get you inspired for your next event!

Contest #1 – Likes and Follows

Facebook likes and follows are simple and easy contests to execute with hundreds of options and ideas:

  • Help us get to 12,000 fans! When we get there, we’ll give away FREE _____ (concert ticket, 2-night hotel stay, etc.)! SHARE this status for your chance to win!
  • Be sure and ALWAYS use compelling images.

Contest #2 – Caption This

Caption This Contests are always a hit! From our experience, caption contests generate more responses than any other contest. Find photos from your past event or images from around your destination. Make sure they are fun, a little goofy and generally aesthetically appealing. Fan favorites are usually animal photos. (explain what this is a little more. Maybe give an example?)

Contest #3 – Photo Comments

Generating interaction among your fans is a great way to build community. Posting a colorful photo will catch their attention in their News Feed. Here are a couple of easy examples:

  • FOOD! Everyone loves food. Post a photo of a unique food item.
  • KIDS! Post a photo of a young kid having fun at your event or destination.
  • HISTORY! Post an image of a historical building or spot.

Then have them post a photo in the comments with their favorite food, in front of a landmark, etc.

Contest #4 – Instagram

Instagram has become the social media platform of choice for many Millennials and Gen Zs (people born between 1980 and 2012). When engaging with this age group, make sure your prizes are things they would want to win and are “trendy”! Don’t be afraid to use hashtags.

  • Double tap and win: Post photos on Instagram. “Double tap this photo and follow us on Instagram to automatically be entered to win a prize pack. Winner announced Monday.
  • Tag three friends to win: “We’re giving away ____ (ride tickets, a hotel stay, gate admission, etc)!! Tag 3 friends to win. #Giveaway #Tag3 #Fun #Friends

Contest #5 – Re-Tweets

Twitter contests are super easy to execute and don’t take a lot of time. Here are few examples:

  • Re-Tweet: We’re giving away a 2-night getaway at our seaside hotel. Retweet to win #VayCay #Fun #GetAway
  • Creative Answer: Explain in 140 characters or less why you deserve to win free tickets to our event. Make sure you tag us to be eligible #TheEvent


So, there you have it, a few simple ways to get more social engagement. If you haven’t run a contest yet, give it a shot and let us know how it goes!

“Instant” Marketing Success with User Generated Content

Crockpots and Saffire go together like Velveeta and Ro-Tel. We couldn’t serve up our World Famous Saffire Queso without that handy appliance. Recently, the Saffire Team has noticed a new crockpot in town that was making waves throughout our social media feeds. After doing a little more research, we found that we stumbled upon a … Continue reading ““Instant” Marketing Success with User Generated Content”

Crockpots and Saffire go together like Velveeta and Ro-Tel. We couldn’t serve up our World Famous Saffire Queso without that handy appliance. Recently, the Saffire Team has noticed a new crockpot in town that was making waves throughout our social media feeds. After doing a little more research, we found that we stumbled upon a raging marketing success story that our Saffire friends and family can implement in their own marketing efforts.

The Instant Pot has taken the world by storm and is even number one on the Amazon best sellers list. Ever heard of it? Even though Instant Pot has never been advertised on TV or print, we are sure that many of you have seen it on social media or heard about it at a holiday party. Millions learned of this electric pressure cooker/Crockpot/rice cooker combo because of the power of word of mouth
marketing and user generated content. Instant Pot has been in business since 2010, but it wasn’t until late last year that they started flying off the shelves and piling up on front porches. Instant Pot was savvy enough to know that social media is a crucial component to reaching out to their customers. So, they sent 200 bloggers and cookbook authors the Instant Pot to try it out for themselves. This strategy not only helped get their name out to the public but they also received tons of FREE product placement on many of the blogger’s and author’s websites, blogs, and social media pages. By using these social influencers, they were able to become a household name, go viral and sell over 250,000 units on Amazon Prime day, all without having to pay for expensive print and TV ads.WOM - 2

So, you are now thinking that’s great for Instant Pot, but that will never work for my event, venue, or destination. Don’t be silly! User generated content is easier to integrate into your marketing plans than you think. It is also a more organic way of reaching your customers. Many consumers today will trust a third party much more than they trust content from brands.



Your first step is to identify your audience and influencers.  Find an influencer that will accurately represent the messages you want your audience to see. This could be a famous Instagram teenager, travel or column writers, or even a local news or DJ personality. Once you have established your influencer, events, venues and destinations can work together on providing that person with a unique experience of attending events, staying in trendy hotels and eating at local restaurants, all while broadcasting out their experiences to their followers.

It is also important to let your social influencers have creative control and be engaged in the planning process. These influencers did not just coincidentally gain thousands (or even millions) of followers. They built their large and engaged followers base by knowing what their audience wanted. They are experts on what is appealing to their followers. By giving the creative license to your influencers they will be able to introduce your event, venue, or destination authentically.

Finally, you need to be consistent and live up to this newly generated hype. There is not a one size fits all plan to building brand reputation. Your community involvement needs to focus on long-term benefits rather than quick marketing attempts.

It’s easy to understand why so many companies are taking advantage of user generated content marketing. Don’t let this simple & affordable opportunity to reach out to your audience pass you by. You will be surprised at the additional business word of mouth marketing will generate for your event, venue, or destination this year.


4 Inexpensive Ways to Go Above & Beyond for Your Sponsors!

By: Jodi Buresh   So the other day in the office, we had a current client ask us if we know of any good ideas on how to report back to their sponsors after their event.  This client was looking for presentation ideas and what to include to show a little more value in that … Continue reading “4 Inexpensive Ways to Go Above & Beyond for Your Sponsors!”

By: Jodi Buresh


So the other day in the office, we had a current client ask us if we know of any good ideas on how to report back to their sponsors after their event.  This client was looking for presentation ideas and what to include to show a little more value in that sponsorship. That got us thinking about how all of our friends in the event, venue and destination industries have more than likely solicited sponsorship at some point, so we thought we would put out a post!

The standard basic recap report usually shows the typical statistics of the event, the demographics and how many visitors viewed their website or social media page.  But this client was looking for something ‘different’, something unique that will set them apart from the other events that are trying so desperately to secure the dwindling sponsorship dollars.

For those of you that don’t know, before Saffire, I was the Assistant General Manager at the Red River Valley Fair Association in West Fargo, North Dakota. While at the fair, I helped generate thousands in sponsorships and without those dollars, our events would not have been successful. Below are my top four suggestions to go above and beyond the event recap:

  • Video – If you have a Day Sponsor or Event Sponsor, take a video on the day of the event. For example, we had the Electric Company as a day sponsor for Kids day at the Fair.  On their day, I videotaped myself in front of kids on a carnival ride.  The script read: “Hey Electric Company.  This is Jodi Buresh and we are SO HAPPY that you are our sponsor for today at the Red River Valley Fair.  As you can see, the kids are enjoying the great weather and are having a blast.   We truly appreciate your support!!!”  Throughout the day I took a few more short videos of people or photos of them.  Later that evening, I combined those into a quick video using a video editor.  I used to create the video.  It was easy and took less than 15 minutes.  I would then email it off to the sponsor before I would leave that night!   Cost:  $0
  • Photos – I am a visual person which means I like to show our sponsors what they are getting for their dollars. One year we had a major sponsor for one of our grandstand entertainers.  To show them how much we appreciated their sponsorship, I made a sign with their logo on it.  I got pre-approval from the Stage Management, and asked the entertainer to take a photo with the sign.  That sponsor was so grateful for that photo that they have it framed and hanging in their entryway of their office.   Cost:  $10 for the frame.
  • Gifts – Sponsors appreciate small tokens of appreciation, but they do not want their sponsorship dollars to be spent on gifts back to them. If you are planning to give your sponsors an appreciation gift, be cognizant of the cost.  One year we ordered small individual bags of cotton candy.  Printed a label for the front of it using the Fair’s Marketing scheme for that year.  When I went for the Recap Report appointment, I took along the cotton candy bag.  Cost:  $2 each bag.
  • National Sponsors – Sometimes National Sponsors expect more information from their sponsorship to justify the cost they are spending to be a part of the organization. The Farm Show that we hosted had free admission, so it was difficult to give an accurate count on how many people attended the 3-day event.  We utilized aerial photos showing the parking lots and the grounds packed with people to help secure the sponsor for future years.  We also had additional photos of people near their booth interacting with their sales people.  Cost:  $0


There are so many more ideas out there on how to engage more with your sponsors and being creative with the recap reports.  We welcome your suggestions and ideas and will plan to share those in some upcoming issues of The Dirt.  Please send those to us at


By Kendra Wright, Founder of Saffire Although I work in the digital marketing industry, I have a love/hate relationship with technology and how it applies to my life. I love it as a marketing medium and I’m truly fascinated by great user interface design (nerd alert!), but I feel technology plays too high a role … Continue reading “GETTING HEALTHY WITH TECHNOLOGY”

By Kendra Wright, Founder of Saffire

Although I work in the digital marketing industry, I have a love/hate relationship with technology and how it applies to my life. I love it as a marketing medium and I’m truly fascinated by great user interface design (nerd alert!), but I feel technology plays too high a role in my life sometimes. And when I see a group of people at dinner, all together, but each staring only at their devices, it makes me sad.

So how do I find peace with technology? I try to use it as much as possible in ways that benefit me.

We all have our “stuff.” For me, it’s this. Another birthday is looming. My dad’s heart disease is progressing. I’ve recently had stress-related health issues.

I have renewed interest in getting healthy. And to be honest, I think this is an area where technology can actually help us. Living a healthier life encompasses mind, body and spirit. So I’m going to share a few tools I think can help you in each area.

Body Fitness with Technology

Let’s start with getting our body fit. Let’s face it, finding the time to exercise is a constant struggle. At least it is for me, so I’d like to share a couple of ideas.

First, I know many of us use Fitbit. I’m a super fan, and there is a specific (non-overwhelming) way I use it. Sure, I try to get in my 10k steps, at least more days than not. But there is a feature called Active Minutes that takes it to the next level.

True to the name, Active Minutes are the number of minutes you’re active during the day; active is defined as more strenuous than casual walking. (There’s a geeky term called METs, or metabolic equivalents that measure activity. A MET of 1 is a body at rest; FitBit counts over 3 METs as “active.”) But here’s the catch. Active Minutes are only awarded after 10 minutes of continuous activity. Buzzing around the office or house generally doesn’t count.

The CDC says we need 150 hours a week (or about 25 minutes per day) of moderate-intensity activity, like brisk walking. So here’s my recommendation: to get your 25 minutes a day, go for a walk. When you’ve gone 13 minutes, start back. Viola! You got your 25 minutes!

But that’s not all. CDC also recommends 2 or more days a week of strength exercises. For this, I love an app called Seven.

The Seven app is based on a study in the American College of Sport’s Medicine’s Health & Fitness Journal. It found that people could get health benefits in less time, with no special equipment, by doing interval training in just seven minutes.

For time-constrained event managers, Seven is magic. Because no matter how busy we are, who can honestly say we can’t find seven minutes?

I won’t say these are the most pleasant seven minutes of my day, but I always feel good when I do it, and I even break a little sweat and feel a little (good) sore on occasion.

A Healthier Spirit with Technology

Is it just me, or is there a trend toward talking about mindfulness? Maybe it is me; I’ve been in need of some mindfulness lately. If you look at my phone, I have downloaded eight apps that help to slow down the mind and live in the present moment. Here are several that have been very helpful.

If you are new to meditation, try 10% Happier. This app is awesome to help you get over the hump and figure out where to start.

10% Happier has a seven-day introductory program that does a great job of not only explain HOW to meditate, but the WHY of meditation. You may recognize the name Dan Harris. He is a correspondent for ABC News who had a panic attack on air a few years ago and began meditating.

Harris eventually wrote the book 10% Happier and released a corresponding app to help people get started with a meditation practice. The best thing I can say about it is, Dan Harris is so normal and relatable that it encouraged me to actually do it.

After seven days, it costs $10/month for courses on everything from improving communication to stopping mindless overeating. Although this is a bit expensive for an app, it is worth it to really get the hang of it and keep you on the wagon.

But 10% Happier isn’t the only tool in my mindfulness arsenal. I love the app called Simply Being ($2) for a quick stop in the day (or to put me to sleep). This app is another good place to start a practice, and it offers flexibility for a 5 to 30 minute break. Power Nap is a free app that helps you take a 30-minute nap and wake up refreshed.

For a more varied experience, I love another free app, Insight Timer. The name comes from being a meditation timer, dinging a bell when you are finished. But there are also over a thousand free guided meditations. You can browse or search by particular interest, like sleep or music or anxiety. Then bookmark your favorites to easily find them again.

A Healthier Mind with Technology

Does technology make us smarter? Does it make our lives easier? If you haven’t seen your to-do list dwindling, you’re not alone. But one thing that can help is the ease with which you can find someone to help you with anything. A healthier mind is sometimes as easy as getting things off your plate. And if you’re willing to work virtually, the world truly is your oyster.

One helpful website and app is called Fiverr. Fiverr matches you with people to outsource anything you can imagine. Basic gigs are just $5, although there are many options to spend more on bigger jobs, rush services and more. Fiverr is a great example of the global economy, because you can hire someone from anywhere in the world, including places where $5 has much more value than in the U.S.

My company uses Fiverr most commonly for data entry, online research and work with our CRM (customer relationship management) software. We’ve even used Fiverr to hire a puppet to record
an announcement for a new service, a voice announcer for a podcast and many other tasks! Free your mind from tasks that don’t represent your unique gifts with Fiverr.

If you need project-based freelancers, consider Upwork. You can find designers, writers and more to work for you on an hourly basis. You can hire individuals and even teams on Upwork.

Lastly, if project work just isn’t enough to fulfill your need, you can find full-time assistance at This is a company started by an American in the Philippines, to help match Filipino workers with employers all over the world, in an array of skill sets. If you’re open to having a virtual member of your team, try Virtual Staff Finder.

I hope these tools are helpful (rather than overwhelming!). I think if you can find ways technology can really make your life better, it can lead to peace. If you have ideas for other types of tools and apps for me to feature, I hope you’ll email me!



Kendra Wright started her career managing non-profit fundraising events. Then in an “about face,” she took a job managing global Internet strategies at a Fortune 1000 company in 1995, just as the Internet came to being. She left that company in 1998 to found Wright Strategies, working with clients like KEEN Footwear, Nike, Jeep, Chrysler, Intel and Panasonic. Then in 2009, Kendra launched Saffire to do integrated online marketing and ticketing for hundreds of events, venues and destinations. It’s been a wild ride! Kendra can be reached at, and more information about Saffire can be found at


Written for IFEA

Getting Healthy With Technology was published in the International Festivals & Events Association’s “i.e.: the business of international events” quarterly magazine. The premiere association supporting and enabling festivals and events worldwide. For more information on the IFEA, go to:


Pokemon Go Proves to be a ‘Catch’ for Marketers

With more than 100 million downloads and 20 million daily active users, Pokémon Go became the biggest craze of the summer. Launching all over the world, Pokémon Go creates a whole new realm of advertising which, by now, should be in your back pocket. Pokémon Go is everywhere and is used by an overwhelming number … Continue reading “Pokemon Go Proves to be a ‘Catch’ for Marketers”

With more than 100 million downloads and 20 million daily active users, Pokémon Go became the biggest craze of the summer. Launching all over the world, Pokémon Go creates a whole new realm of advertising which, by now, should be in your back pocket. Pokémon Go is everywhere and is used by an overwhelming number of people; so initially you might be thinking, how can I use this trend to my benefit?

The gamer’s (typically 21 to 27-year-old men) goal is to catch all of the Pokémon, which are creatures of different sizes and types spread throughout your geographical location and will randomly pop up when the app is open. Users also take advantage of the “PokéStops”, which are points on the game map used to collect “PokéBalls”. You can think of “Pokéballs” as small, ball-shaped cages used to store each Pokémon you collect. Users also travel to Pokémon Gyms, used for battling other Pokémon and trainers. The “PokéStops” and Gyms, are normally located near landmarks, statues, parks, churches, etc. which are strategically place to attract many people. This is where the marketing comes in. PokéStops could also be used as a tool by businesses to turn their location into a huge, profitable ad in the virtual world of Pokémon.

One example of an organization using this app to its advantage is the Brown County Fair, located in Aberdeen, SD. Currently they have 8 PokéStops on their fairgrounds and have decided to put them into their marketing strategy. The stops are located anywhere from the Bunny Barn to the Grandstands, which are an easy way to get traffic to these fairground locations. The fairgoers have the opportunity to see parts of the fair they otherwise might have never experienced!

If your organization doesn’t have a PokéStop, and you want one at that location, you can request one. The request forms are here:

Additionally, if your organization would like a Pokémon Gym on your location, a suggestion can be submitted at


Tips and Tricks

  • Make sure a few people in your organization have a Pokémon Go account, so they can purchase lures, which will help attract Pokémon to your location
  • Put up signs that warn people to stay out of restricted areas.
  • Get a Pokémon logo at each building or monument that has a PokéStop. Signage is important!
  • If a gym is on your property, give the leader of that particular free tickets or prizes if he or she is a leader at a certain time of the day (Advertise this on Social Media to attract more people to battle in the Gym).
  • This could provide incentive for other players to take over your particular gym. The prize for the winner of a PokéHunt or Gym leader could also be PokéCoins.

Staying up to date with the newest tech fads may seem overwhelming at first, but whether it’s giving an extra jump to a small business’s finances or helping double revenue in big corporations, Pokemon Go is a growing force not to be reckoned with.

Pokémon Go is free and available for download through the Apple App Store for iPhone users and the Google Play store for Android users.


We want to thank Michaela Liebl for being our Guest Blogger! Michaela is currently a student at Northern State University in Aberdeen, South Dakota. She is looking forward to a career in the fair or festival industries and is currently seeking internship opportunities. To contact Michaela about this article or about potential internship opportunities, please email her at



Facebook Live Tips & Tricks

Facebook Live is quickly growing in popularity and will remain a HUGE trend for the foreseeable future. For those that might not have heard of this fairly new feature, Facebook Live is a live video broadcasting platform designed to connect users with people (friends, family, customers, etc.). With Facebook Live, users can take audiences up close … Continue reading “Facebook Live Tips & Tricks”

ios live

Facebook Live is quickly growing in popularity and will remain a HUGE trend for the foreseeable future. For those that might not have heard of this fairly new feature, Facebook Live is a live video broadcasting platform designed to connect users with people (friends, family, customers, etc.). With Facebook Live, users can take audiences up close or behind the scenes for literally anything.

Broadcasting live is easy and only takes a few simple steps, which we’ve shared below:


There are a number of ways marketers can improve Live broadcasts. Two of the most effective ways are promotion and presentation. It is crucial to promote the Live broadcast by letting the audience know the time, date, and purpose.  An extremely effective way to promote is by posting short videos that preview what content you will be covering during the Live broadcast. While the promotions are running, focus should shift to ensure that the presentation is adequately planned. Be sure that all Live broadcasts start with a warm smile and an inviting welcome. During the welcome, the presenter should introduce themselves, what organization they represent and briefly give a road-map of what the Live video will consist of. Providing a road-map will allow viewers to understand about how long the broadcast will last, which will help keep their attention. It’s also very important that the presenter keep a confident and exciting demeanor to prevent viewers from dropping off of the broadcast. Finally, and most importantly, the Facebook Live broadcast should end with a call to action (i.e. “Click the link above to buy tickets,” “Sign up now,” etc.)

Facebook Live also works well to reach events’ preferred audiences. Facebook recently announced that Live broadcasts can now be conducted on “Events” and “Groups” within the Facebook mobile application. Therefore, you can broadcast special pre-event promotional Live broadcasts right on your designated event page! This helps build hype for events and can help boost ticket sales with the proper call to action.

Facebook Live is also a great tool for Destination Marketing Organizations (DMO). DMOs can broadcast all sorts of great details about a destination like a beautiful sunset, firework displays, special events, or even a ribbon cutting for a new hotel! Showing fans of a destination’s Facebook page exciting, unedited live videos will allow them to see the authenticity of a destination, which means that planning and presentation will be crucial in order to  portray the destination in a positive light.

Although Facebook Live broadcasts can be nerve-racking and have the potential to get off message or off track, the reward is worth the risk. Here at Saffire, we did our first Facebook Live video and then paid for a $20 boost to our fans. Out of 1,050 fans, 547 watched the video, 756 saw the video in their feed, and our total cost per video view came out to ONLY $0.04 per view.

As event season is ramping up and DMOs are planning their budgets, it is very important to add Facebook Live advertising into your marketing mix and planning for at least the rest of 2016 and into 2017.