As the promotional and development arm for the City of Rock Springs, Wyoming, the Urban Renewal Agency was established to reinvigorate and support the downtown area of Rock Springs in 2006. Promoting shopping, tourism, dining, and events, Downtown Rock Springs also supports the preservation and renovation of many historic buildings and helps to recruit businesses to relocate to the downtown area through their efforts and membership in the national Main Street Movement. We are thrilled to join the marketing efforts for promoting the City of Rock Spring’s Downtown development by giving them an online destination to match their unique culture and further promote the funding and marketing of their area online!
Welcome Downtown Rock Springs
As the promotional and development arm for the City of Rock Springs, Wyoming, the Urban Renewal Agency was established to reinvigorate and support the downtown area of Rock Springs in 2006. Promoting shopping, tourism, dining, and events, Downtown Rock Springs also supports the preservation and renovation of many historic buildings and helps to recruit businesses … Continue reading “Welcome Downtown Rock Springs”